Nota will be exhibiting at the Athens Fashion Trade Show which will be held on September 7-10, 2017 at the Metropolitan Expo Center near the airport. Please join us at Hall 1, booth 1 A to see all the new Spring Summer collections from Nota, Simone Perele, Implicite, Wacoal and Jockey.
Nota sponsors the 37th Japanese Language speech contest
Várjuk Önöket Párizsban,2017. Január 21 és 23-a között
Szeretettel várjuk Önöket standunkon ( Hall 1 J4), ahol a legújabb kollekciónkat tekinthetik meg: 2017 Ősz/Tél.
Vassilis Masselos: Eljuttatja a Nota márkát Japánba is…
Nota exhibits at the Salon International de la Lingerie
24-26 January 2015, Paris Expo Porte des Versailles, Paris, France
Nota exhibits at the Salon International de la Lingerie
25-27 January 2014, Paris Expo Porte des Versailles, Paris, France
Winter Sales
Winter Sales will officialy begin on Monday, January 14th!