Credit Card: Visa or Mastercard
When you place an order your credit card information is entered directly into Eurobank’s secure payment site. Nota uses SSL encryption certified by Thawte to secure the entire on-line ordering process. As, for security reasons, we do not store, at any time, your credit card information in our system we ask you to re-enter your credit card details every time you shop with us.

When you place an order, an authorization is obtained from your bank. This authorization places a temporary hold on the funds to ensure that your order can be processed. Your credit card will be charged when the item(s) you ordered are shipped.
Bank Transfer
If you would like to pay by bank transfer please:
- Select “Bank Transfer” as method of payment when you place an order.
Wire Transfer the order amount to our account with Alpha Bank
Beneficiary: Masselos SA
Account Number 102002320000330
ΙBAN: GR81 0140 1050 1020 0232 0000 330
Please do not forget to include your name.
- Send us a copy of the transfer by fax to +30 210 3231448 or by e-mail to Your order will ship upon reception of the funds.